When you are considering a reverse mortgage, you need to review the reverse mortgage pros and cons. Review the following information which can aid you in your decision.
The PROS of Reverse Mortgages:
• No monthly mortgage payments! Reverse mortgages can eradicate existing monthly mortgage payments or liens. These will be transferred to your reverse mortgage balance and interest will accrue throughout the life of the loan.
• Tax free income insured by the Federal Government which continues as long as your home is your primary residence. Freedom from stress and worry.
• Change your plan at any time from a line of credit to monthly proceeds or a combination (depending on what remains.)
• Unlike an equity loan there is no minimum credit score requirement, although a credit report is required on all loans.
• You can remain in your home as long as you wish no matter what is owed the lender. You can never be forced out of your home as long as your real estate taxes and homeowner's insurance are paid and as long as you maintain your home according to FHA requirements.
• The HECM Line of Credit (LOC) option has many advantages for the senior borrower. First, the line of credit grows over time at the SAME EXACT rate as the interest rate on the loan. If you let the line sit there untouched for say five or ten years, it will be substantially larger at the end and ready for you to use. (See next section.)
• You can refinance your reverse mortgage as many times as you like as long as there is enough equity in your home to do so and if all the required HUD rules for the HECM refinance indicates a significant benefit to the borrower.
• Reverse mortgage are non-recourses loans. You can never owe more than your home is worth as the home is the only collateral. The HOUSE stands for the DEBT. Upon your passing, the reverse mortgage debt will not pass to your estate, and they will only be required to pay back the debt should they wish to sell or keep the home.
• Reverse mortgages have safeguards: capped interest rates, a limitation on fees, HUD counseling, asset protection (non-recourse loan), etc.